- Korea Risks Losing Ground in Global Data Center Market Amid Regulatory Challenges (2024/12/2 Business Korea)
- A photonic integrated chip for distinguishing the optical wave packets based on a neural-network (2024/12/3 ScienceDirect)
- 眾達:2025年共同封裝光學元年 將成AI主流解決方案 (2024/12/3 經濟日報)
- Optical transport equipment market set for 2025 recovery (2024/12/6 lightwave)
- 光纖FPV太刁鑽 俄國愛用之餘 徵集反制措施 (2024/12/6 中時新聞網)
- Nokia and Aramco successfully achieve first 2.4Tbps optical transmission (2024/12/6 TelecomTV)
- IBM Brings the Speed of Light to the Generative AI Era with Optics Breakthrough (2024/12/9 IBM)
- The last missing piece of silicon photonics (2024/12/9 ScienceDaily)
- World’s first space division multiplexing long-distance optical transmission experiment of up to 455 terabits per second in the terrestrial field environment demonstration of long-distance transmission up to 1000 km by coupled-core multicore fiber cable (2024/12/9 NTT Corporation)
- Intel Showcases Groundbreaking Innovations at IEDM 2024 (2024/12/10 Tspa semiconductor)
- 韓國新創以光隔離器晶片技術 顛覆全球矽光子市場 (2024/12/10 Digitimes)
- 矽光子逐漸出頭,輝達研究 AI 晶片整合矽光子 (2024/12/11 TechNews)
- NVIDIA Unveils Future AI Accelerators Design Featuring Silicon Photonics (2024/12/11 Trendforce)
- World’s first demonstration of a new structural design for multi-core and multi-mode optical fiber More than 10 spatial multiplexing with less than 10 cores and reduced propagation delay difference between multimode (2024/12/11 NTT Corporation)
- 台積上演CoWoS、矽光子整合秀 2026年正式亮相 台鏈受惠結構重組 (2024/12/13 Digitimes)
- 矽光子晶片新創公司 同時獲輝達、AMD、英特爾聯手投資 (2024/12/14 自由財經)
- NVIDIA and TSMC Unveil Silicon Photonics Innovations at IEDM 2024 (2024/12/16 Business Korea)
- Arelion completes 400G ultra long-haul pluggable trial with Cisco (2024/12/18 Lightwave)
- 輝達x台積 首秀矽光子原型 (2024/12/19 工商時報)
- Rapidus 北海道廠分四階段安裝 EUV 曝光機,拚 2027 年量產 (2024/12/19TechNews)
- 台積電 PLP 初期規格定錨?傳小尺寸基板先行 (2024/12/20TechNews)
- 臺科大成立半導體研究所 布局矽光子與先進封裝領域 (2024/12/27 yahoo新聞)
- 台積電攻矽光子報佳音 博通、輝達將成首批客戶(2024/12/30 經濟日報)